Monday, May 27, 2013

First MTG draft

Played myself some Magic the Gathering again last Friday. It was my first draft tournament and I didn't do too good. It was one of those things where I was torn between playing for fun and actually winning. I drafted cards I though looked cool but were actually useless.

My first round was a horrible loss with my Blue/Red deck so I switched to Black/Red which won me the 2nd round. Third was a 1-2 loss which really pained me because I would've won some packs if i won that round. Ahh there's always next time.

In tournaments, crush your opponent.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Grad help out

Kinda late but I helped out during this year's Fordham GBA graduation. I did it for the money but it was actually pretty good and nice to see people I know graduate. One day it will be my time too and I hope it would be just as cool. Great time.

Find a future scenario to work for.

Friday, May 17, 2013

GA turndown

I kind of did something contradictory to what I'm supposed to be doing this summer. This summer was supposed to be one where I do a whole lot of stuff. Unfortunately, this story is about me turning something down.

I got contacted for a Graduate Assistant position, interviewed and got accepted. That was pretty cool since I'd have a chance to earn some tuition money and learn from a mentor. What wasn't good was that I'd have to do that on top of my 5 classes and internship. It might sound like a bad excuse but that's what I told the professor and turned the offer down.

I tried to make up for it by looking for a replacement for the position and luckily I did.

That was two weeks ago and I keep wondering if I should have just taken it and work like crazy this summer. I guess I was also trying to free myself up for other things, or I'm giving myself more reason to do well in my current classes. I'll never know if I made the right decision until the end of this summer.

Live with your decisions.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Korean BBQ of thrones

Last Sunday was another Game of Thrones night which was cool. Invited a few friends to chip in and have some Korean BBQ at my place before the show.

BBQ meats are always good (and easy). Tried my luck at making some hot-kimchi-pork-tofu-stew, which thankfully was more than edible. Good call, and thank you internet recipes.

I love the Koreatown grocery


I got fancy

First time to make Jigae

I think I overprepared this time, but food tasted aswesome so it was worth it. The episode was painful to watch though.

Try something good and eat the rewards.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Concert fail, made one instead

Missed out on the Cynthia Alexander concert last Thursday. When I got there, the place was at capacity already. Didn't think there would be a lot of people going to see her. Damn, must remember to be early next time.

Anyway plans turned out to join some friends out to karaoke, which turned out to be awesome too.

Oh yes Miley

Make your own fun.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Making it interesting

Last Wednesday was another D&D Encounters night. It's cool that there are new players now, making our party a group of 7. Unfortunately it takes a while to get to your turn, so you have to make your turns count. That's when your creativity is truly tested.

Didn't learn this until that Wednesday when I had a turn that was just: fire at that guy, miss, then done. Nothing cool happened.

That's me in green at the front door

So I tried my best to be creative and think out of the box. Luckily D&D is a game that encourages creativity. So in that situation where we were heavily surrounded with bad guys, I had my character pick u some stones and magically turn them into gems to pay off some thugs. Yeah sounds super geeky, but when it happened it was pretty coolll.

I'm sure everyone's got a chance to do something fun even outside of a table-top game.

When you force yourself to be creative, you make things fun.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Internship again

Actually started what I call season 2 of my Internship at VEVO. I'm working under the research and analytics department doing all kinds of researchy things. Previously, I worked under the Sales department where I learned about the business and how the company earns which was a good starting point. Working under research though is something else.

Right when I got in, had to do some reseach and ComScore stuff right away. Kaboom. I swear I will have excel nightmares soon. Still I like it, it's an industry I want to be in and work I could imagine myself actually doing. Plus the people are cool and there's still a bunch to learn. I actually want to discover more and get more out of this experience this time around.

But yeah, that first day was so busy I didn't even have time to take a pictue for this day.

To new beginnings and making the most out of them.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Roosevelt BBQ

Today was a pretty cool day. Found myself attending a BBQ in Roosevelt Island organized by some Fordham Chinese students. It was a really cool place with a lot of people and of course, food.

Also tried some rabbit today, which they had at the BBQ. I drew the line at turtle. Yes, they had turtle.

Rabbit tastes like lamb
This was also the day I invented the s'more cookie.

Yes, me

After mass thai dinner with Pinoys was also good. More food plus Holey Cream for dessert.

Thai good

A thing of beauty

It was a good day.

Good things happen when you go out.


Tried my luck at Free Comic Book Day in one of the nearby comic book strores. I knew it was going to be packed but still gave it a try. Had some free time anyway before I met some friends for dinner.

Arrived just in time for them to put up the no more comics sign
Well, at least I tried. I know it will bug the hell out of me if I didn't see what it was all about. And I was right, it is pretty big here.

The Pagongs

Consolation Oroshi Katsu

Failure can be fun.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Oh yeah the other day, you had a funny haircut. It cost you $16.95.

Good thing it was short so I don't have to go back again anytime soon.

Know what you want your hair to look like before going to the barber.

Happy hour korean food

Last night was our school's happy hour. Pretty fun meeting up with classmates after the first week of Summer term. Have to remember Spider's Web beer tastes like coffee and beer.

After, I found myself joining the after happy hour eat out. Went to Seoul Garden in Korea Town, which was super good. Will have that tasty beef again for sure!

I now call this: The Beef of Legend

It's ok to pay a good price for good food and company.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Heroic Wednesday

Saved the lady's brother in the sewer.

Chill Claws on the two demons.