Friday, May 10, 2013

Making it interesting

Last Wednesday was another D&D Encounters night. It's cool that there are new players now, making our party a group of 7. Unfortunately it takes a while to get to your turn, so you have to make your turns count. That's when your creativity is truly tested.

Didn't learn this until that Wednesday when I had a turn that was just: fire at that guy, miss, then done. Nothing cool happened.

That's me in green at the front door

So I tried my best to be creative and think out of the box. Luckily D&D is a game that encourages creativity. So in that situation where we were heavily surrounded with bad guys, I had my character pick u some stones and magically turn them into gems to pay off some thugs. Yeah sounds super geeky, but when it happened it was pretty coolll.

I'm sure everyone's got a chance to do something fun even outside of a table-top game.

When you force yourself to be creative, you make things fun.

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